
Global Intelligence Blog

Insights and Analysis for the Data-Driven Enterprise

Data Management

Melissa Informatics Advances Big Data Promise

Free Webinar Features Enterprise Data Curation and Integration to Extract Value from Complex Data Lakes Melissa, a leading provider of global contact...

ID Resolution

Exploring the Necessary Steps for KYC Compliance

All businesses want to “know” their customers, right? After all, what you don’t know about consumers can definitely hurt you in lost sales, hindered...

News & Events

Melissa Announces New Client Win with car2go

Extends Melissa’s Leadership in International Identity Verification for Fast, Reliable Customer Onboarding Berlin and Rancho Santa Margarita, CALIF –...

News & Events

Melissa Launches Druginator

Verify, Append, and Autocomplete Millions of Pharmaceutical Names, Variants and Dosages to Improve Clinical Data Integrity and Outcomes; Demos at...

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    About This Site

    All data goes bad (up to 25% per year), whether due to data entry errors or the simple fact that consumers change jobs, move, update email addresses, marry, etc. At Melissa, we help companies harness the value of their Big Data, legacy data, and people data (names, addresses, phone numbers, and emails) to drive insight, maintain data quality, and support global intelligence.

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    22382 Avenida Empresa
    Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688-2112

    Monday—Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM PST

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