Leaking Profits? Plug up the UAA Drain!
Melissa Team | Address Check, Address Correction, Address Quality, Address Standardization, Address Validation, Address Verification, Article, Direct Mail, Mailing, Mailing & Shipping, Mailing Lists, NCOA, PAVE Certified |
Are you struggling to keep printing postage and service costs down? One culprit that could be putting a drain on your profit is return mail. You’d be surprised how undeliverable-as-addressed mail (UAA) can operate like a small tax on your business – costing a little bit in a lot of areas. Turn to page 24 in Mailing Systems and Technology’s June issue to see Melissa’s article: Taking Action to Void Undeliverable-as-Addressed Mail. It details the causes, affects and ways to prevent and deter this expensive, yet avoidable, tax on your business.