The LookupProperty endpoint now returns a Melissa Identity Key (MIK) for each of the primary owners of a property. The MIK is a unique and persistent identifier for individuals across the US. This is a powerful tool that can readily identify a person and their associated data over time. As one can imagine, it is no easy task to create a unique identifier for ALL individuals. Because of this, MIK coverage can vary.
Sample Request:
"CustomerId": "{LICENSE_KEY}",
"Columns": "GrpPrimaryOwner",
"TotalRecords": "1",
"Records": [
"RecordID": "1",
"AddressLine1": "22382 Avenida Empresa",
"City": "RSM",
"State": "CA",
Sample Response:
"Version": "","TransmissionResults": "",
"TotalRecords": 1,
"Records": [
"PrimaryOwner": {
"Name1Full": "John Smith",
"Name1First": "John",
"Name1Middle": "",
"Name1Last": "Smith",
"Name Suffix": "",
"TrustFlag": "Y",
"CompanyFlag": "N",
"Name2Full": "Jane Doe",
"Name2First": "Jane",
"Name2Middle": "",
"Name2Last": "Doe",
"Name2Suffix": "",
"Type": "",
"VestingType": "",
"MelissaIdentityKey1": "12345678901",
"MelissaIdentityKey2": "09876543210"
Thank you for your attention to this update. If you have any questions, please contact Tech Support at or call 1 (800) 800-6245 x4.
Thank you,
The Melissa Team