
Mailers+4 Desktop – Standard Deprecation

Effective: January 1st, 2023

Dear Mailers+4 Standard Customers,

⏰Mailers+4 Standard will be deprecated on January 1, 2023.⏰

We will be updating all active Mailers+4 Desktop Standard subscriptions to Mailers+4 Desktop Professional on January 1, 2023 for the remainder of the subscription.

Why is Mailers+4 Standard being deprecated?
Mailers+4 Standard is being deprecated to make room for improvements to Mailers+4 Desktop Professional and Mailers Online PRO.

Are the same features available in Mailers+4 Desktop Professional?
Yes, Mailers+4 Desktop Professional offers the same features as Mailers+4 Desktop Standard and is not limited to under 5,000 records per job.

What needs to be done in order to update my subscription to Mailers+4 Professional on January 1, 2023?

In order to update Mailers+4 Standard license to Mailers+4 Professional License, please perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the new License Key sent to you by your Account Executive.
  2. Open Mailers+4 Desktop.
  3. If Mailers+4 Desktop does not automatically prompt for a new license key, then select “Tools” -> “System Options” from the Menu bar.
  4. Select the “User Information” tab and click in the License String field and select all (CTRL+A) to remove the old license key.
  5. Once the old License Key is removed, Copy (CTRL+C) the new License Key for Mailers+4 Desktop Professional sent to you by your Account executive and Paste into the License Key field (CTRL+V).
  6. Mailers+4 Desktop is now updated to Professional!

What are my options after my current subscription is over?
When it is time to renew your subscription, there will be three (3) options available:

  • [Option 1] Renew Mailers+4 Desktop Professional at the cost of the deprecated Mailers+4 Standard version for the first year*. Mailers+4 Desktop Professional provides an all-in-one on-premise solution to prepare mailing lists over 5,000 records for USPS Postal Discounts and is bundled with Mailers Online PRO.
  • [Option 2] Renew Mailers Online PRO at the cost of the deprecated Mailers+4 Standard version for the first year*. Mailers Online PRO is our cloud-based postal presort software that can presort up to 1 million records per job and includes NCOALink processing.
  • [Option 3] Pay per use with Mailers Online – Credit version to presort up to 5,000 records and includes NCOALink processing. This requires the purchase of Melissa Credits.

    *Please note: Renewing at the deprecated Standard price is only available for the first year.

For any questions, please email us at or call 1 (800) 800-6245, option 4.

Thank you, 

The Melissa Team

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