Whois Data Added to Global Email & Global IP Web Services
Melissa is pleased to announce a new, complimentary addition to Global Email and Global IP web services – Whois records.
Whois records offer a quick and easy way for programmers to utilize our API to provide real-time details for more than 2,864 TLDs and 300+ million domains. The service provides the ability to retrieve key data points such as:
- Registrant name
- Organization
- Email address
- Registration address
- Registrar information
- Creation date
- Expiration date
- Updated date
- Domain availability
- Domain age
- Address details
- Private proxy detection
- And much more
The service will help cyber security organizations investigate cybercrimes, help risk management detect malicious domains, and aid the financial sector in detecting transaction fraud. It will also allow entrepreneurs to check domain name availability, provide trademark infringement check for legal divisions, showcase investment opportunities, provide legal contact information or point of contact, and aid in identifying new partnerships.
This real-time Whois data is provided free to Melissa’s web service users, and is parsed and normalized for easy integration into your business process.