Detailed Address Data Now Available for Canada and Italy in MAT
Melissa Team | Address Quality |
Address data for Canada and Italy were added to Melissa Address Table (MAT)
Now you can get accurate and detailed information on every deliverable and non-deliverable address for not only the U.S., but also Canada and Italy. Melissa has information on more than:
- 196 million U.S. addresses
- 12 million Canadian addresses
- 26 million Italian addresses
In addition to street addresses (including apartment/suite numbers), MAT also provides geographic information like rooftop latitude-longitude coordinates, census tract/block number, and county name with FIPS code.
Each address also comes with unique identifier technology – a Melissa Address Key (MAK) – a 10-digit number that never changes. Much like a barcode or ISBN, this address key identifies a discrete physical address and aligns a multitude of additional information associated with the address. When you purchase MAT, you have all of the valid addresses within a given area – and no matter how the addresses change, or if new addresses become available, you know exactly what the changes are.
Data for Spain, coming soon! To learn more about MAT data, click here.