
The Role of ID Verification in the Customer Experience

For consumers looking for a smooth onboarding process, ID verification provides an easy to follow procedure meaning that an organisation can quickly establish a customer’s ID enabling a positive customer experience.

What is also equally important is that fact that ID verification generates consumer confidence which will also drive a positive customer experience.

How so?

The customer experience is related to the ability for customers to trust an organisation especially in industries where sensitive information is involved. This means that firms are expected to invest in tools and solutions that look at protecting their customers and reducing threats to privacy whilst building high quality relationships.

Industries such as financial services, recruitment and food delivery are all industries which constantly experience data and privacy breaches and so generating trust with customers is more important than ever.

More and more organisations are realising the importance of generating trust amongst customers and how this plays a key role in the customer experience. In order to protect customers and reduce the risk of fraud or the threat to customer safety, firms are seeking ways to provide security to systems but also generate drive a positive customer experience. One way in which this can be achieved is via an ID verification tool which provides a tailored but all inclusive process to prevent fraud as well as increase conversation rates.

Rapidly developing technology has led to modern versions of ID verification which move away from knowledge based authentication and two factor authentication. Today’s ID verification includes a streamlined procedure that balances the ability to prevent fraud with an optimised customer experience. This type of ID verification helps organisations to build high quality relationship with customers based on trust and confidence and so, take the customer experience to a new level.

Melissa’s ID Verification is a unique, all-in-one Cloud verification and enrichment solution that you can easily integrate into your applications, shopping baskets, and forms. The tool leverages a database of billions of records to ensure you capture accurate data for timely fulfilment and fraud prevention; as well as enrich your customer data so you have a better picture of “who” your customers are.

The Melissa team will be demonstrating our ID verification capabilities at a number of events this year including the B2B Marketing Expo at London Excel as well as at Money 20/20 Amsterdam. Come along and chat to the team and we’ll be more than happy to discuss our services and how they can work for you.

In the meantime, you can get in touch at info.uk@melissa.com or at 020 7718 0070 for additional information.

If you are interested in continuing the conversation, please connect with us on Twitter.

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