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Address Autocomplete for eCommerce: Better Conversion Rates - Global Intelligence Blog

Written by Melissa UK Team | 12-Apr-2022 14:42:14

Address Autocomplete for eCommerce: Better Conversion Rates

Melissa UK Team | Address Quality, Ecommerce, Location Intelligence, Mailing & Shipping, United Kingdom

Better UX Experience for Better Conversion Rates –

I’m sure to anyone reading this would have experienced dropping off at the final stage of the checkout process, entering your details to the point of payment. Recent studies have shown that cart abandonment is still in the higher figures of 60 – 70%, furthermore, nearly half of those who abandon is due to an overly lengthy or complicated checkout process. With the advancement of androids, mobile shopping or now known mCommerce is starting to have an uptake over desktop shopping, nonetheless, the conversion rates of checkout still hinder around the same of the above statistic.

One main element of the issue is improving the UX experience. As we know, filling out online forms can be a nightmare, we all want a quick and easy check-out process, hassle-free insurance quotes or simply an easy breeze with customer registration.

Overall, the less you have to fill out the better. Melissa’s address autocomplete tool offers a drop-down list of verified postal addresses based on the user’s entry, This, in turn, works as an internet search engine for any address entered into the system, saving users time with up to 70% of reduced keystrokes giving an overall better UX experience and giving e-commerce businesses an automated address checker at the point of capture. This minimises address corrections, not only local but international for all countries and territories

You can read more on how address lookup technology works here.

This tool also enables a good flow of data entry for users that are on mobile devices giving that address search engine, and not the typical inbuilt auto-correction that we know everyone hates when trying to enter in your personal information during this stage.

Combined with Geocoding –

Another powerful way to reduce shopping cart abandonment is to offer predictive shipping. This is famously used by retail giant Amazon. With the additional use of a geocoding tool, it enables the calculation of the shopper’s precise distance from distribution points, enabling a quick calculation of shipping costs at several price levels. When customers can choose the right shipping option before checkout, they’re less likely to abandon their carts at the last minute.

You can learn more about What is Rooftop geocoding here.

This combination can also work to the extent of assessing risk, if you are selling insurance online perhaps, adding geocoding in combination with address autocomplete unlocks the ability to pinpoint lat and long coordinates linked in the address to spot risk in areas such as earthquakes, flooding, etc. This also helps give insurance consultants clearer insight to make further decisions on evaluating a quote.

Together or in single-use, they entirely eliminate any headaches in incorrect or invalid address data and give a clearer insight into customer data leading to a more accurate CRM system, and persistent logistics which in turn leads to a better overall customer experience.

Our customer success stories from brands like WCA, HUF and Jerrys Artarama to learn more about this solution. alternatively, experience it first-hand with a free trial.