Data Lookups

Melissa Lookups - New Features, New Look | Global Intelligence Blog

Melissa Lookups – New Features, New Look

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Melissa Lookups got a new look! Along with a more modern interface, the platform now comes with faster, better performance, and new features.

Here’s what’s new:

Additional Feature for Programmers

Easily obtain 140+ result fields of data in JSON or XML formats. Get accurate data faster and in the format you need for most of our Lookups.

Home Sales by Zip New!

This brand new Lookup provides the average sale price of homes within a ZIP, by month. Once you click on a specific month, you will get a list of every home sold within that month, plus first and last name, address data and sale price.

Batch Business Check New!

Our most recently added Business Lookup! Simply enter a spreadsheet of company names and addresses and Batch Business Check will verify, correct and standardize your data all at once.

Check out 45 different Lookups, here.

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