Melissa is proud to announce a significant improvement to OFAC and BIS company matching algorithms within the Personator Identity Web Service product. Fuzzy matching for company names presents numerous challenges. For instance, certain company inputs may include or exclude company types, integrate abbreviations, and employ common phrases.
Personator Identity Screening now includes enhanced company-based fuzzy algorithms to filter false positives. These improvements are applied to every request, ensuring a more accurate and reliable match result.
In addition, users can now modify the threshold directly using the WatchlistFuzzy request option. The WatchlistFuzzy request option will allow users to modify the threshold from 1 to 100.
We plan to incorporate additional improvements for name and company matching in the near future.
Request,screen&full=&comp=NE Electronics&WatchlistFuzzy=90 |
Watchlist Response Snippet { "Watchlists": { "Hit": "Yes", "Sources": [ { "Name": "Bureau of Industry & Security (BIS) Entity List - (EL)", "Code": "ZW", "Date": " ", "Type": " " } ], "Articles": [ ], "ReportLink": " " } } |
Request,screen&full=&comp=NE Electronics&WatchlistFuzzy=80 |
Watchlist Response Snippet { "Watchlists": { "Hit": "No", "Sources": [ ] "Articles": [ ], "ReportLink": " " } } |