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jQuery UI and Auto-Complete Address Entry | Global Intelligence Blog

Written by Melissa Team | Apr 12, 2022 2:42:14 PM

jQuery UI and Auto-Complete Address Entry

Blog Administrator | Address Check, Address Correction, Address Quality, Express Entry | , , , , , ,

By Ian Elliot, i-Programmer Author

jQuery UI has a
little-known feature that makes interactive auto-complete very easy. In this
hands-on tutorial we put it together with the cloud-based Global Express Entry
address auto-complete service from Melissa to smooth over one of the biggest
problems in getting users to sign up.

There are many things that
users hate having to do on a website, but they all come down to the same thing
– they hate having to do work. Of all of the things you can ask a user to do,
typing in their name and address probably qualifies as one that involves most
work. How many potential customers give up on a purchase because they find
typing in a full address too irksome. Even if they do go through with it, how
can you be sure they have done it correctly. Most users aren’t expert typists
and easily make a mess of their data entry. The cost of trying to ship
something to an invalid address is obvious.

The best idea is to
provide instant feedback on any data entry field. Don’t wait until they have
finished the complete form and then nag them about some mistake you could have
picked up while the field had the focus. If possible provide autocomplete so
that as they type their choice is narrowed down to the point where they can
simply click to select a data-perfect validated entry.

This is where jQuery UI’s
autocomplete widget comes into the picture. It makes adding autocomplete to any
field that can accept input. As an example of using it let’s make an
autocomplete feature for an address – the most work you can ask a user to
perform – using a cloud service that is remarkable for its ease of use and
comprehensive coverage,

Provided with the bare
minimum of an address, Melissa Global Express Entry, will autocomplete and
verify an address from anywhere in the world returning a full address in the
standard format accepted in the country concerned. Any address can be converted
into the “Latin” alphabet and, to aid delivery services, maps showing
the latitude and longitude based on Google maps are provided. The onsite demo
has examples and lets you experiment freely:

Obviously, not all
countries are verified to the same level, but I think you’ll be impressed by
coverage of over 250 countries with 200 of them at street level or better.

You can see a full list
of coverage at: Address Coverage by Country.
Currently there are 51 countries at address verification level 2, locality, the
lowest level represented, including Antarctica, British Virgin Islands and
Western Sahara. A further 77 countries, including Afghanistan, Barbados,
Bolivia, China and Ghana are at level 3. The most common classification, 77
countries, is level 4 which applies to Japan, India and many European
countries, including Austria, Belgium and Spain. Level 5, which get to
individual premises is available for 30 countries, notably USA, Canada,
Australia, Russia, France, Germany, Greece and the UK.

With regard to mapping,
this is provided at locality level for Hong Kong, at the equivalent of address
level 4 for 33 countries including Australia and most of Europe and at the
equivalent of the top level for USA, Canada, Australia, Czech Republic,
Germany, Russia, and Ukraine.

The cloud service uses a
simple REST API and returns XML or JSON. You can also use a desktop version and
there are plugins for Excel and other apps.

Adding Express

Here we look at adding
it to a simple form.

To try this example you
will need a key which you can get as part of a free trial.

First we need to use
jQuery to add autocomplete to a form element.

<link rel="stylesheet"


Basically all we are
doing here is loading the latest jQuery, jQuery UI and a basic stylesheet.
Update to the latest version of any of these in the future and everything
should still work.

We also need a basic
form to input some addresses. As with all examples, the simpler the better:

<form onsubmit="return

 <input id="address"


 <textarea cols="40"
rows="6" id="result" 


 <button id


You can see that we have
an input text field for the user to start to type the address and a text area
ready to display the address.

The way that the
autocomplete widget works is very simple and typical of the way all jQuery UI
widgets work. To create the widget all you do is call its constructor function,
which always has the name together with an options object which specifies how
it looks and behaves.

In the case of the
autocomplete widget, all we have to do to add the feature to the address text
field  is:


Of course, we have to
specify options to make it do what we want.

The most important
option is source which specifies where the autocomplete data comes from. It can
be an array of strings or an object containing label value pairs or it can be a
URL as a string or a function.

The array of label value
pairs is particularly useful because the label is shown to the user so that
they can pick the correct autocomplete, but it is the value that is inserted
into the field. This allows you to provide the user with data in one format,
but enter it in another.

The array and strings
option is used to provide local autocomplete data the other two are used when
the data comes from a server.

For example:

["choice1", "choice2","choice3"] 


In this case when the
user types a c the list of three possible autocompletes appears.


Notice that autocomplete
is doing quite a lot of work for you. You don’t have to arrange the data or
select what is going to appear when the user types. In addition, if the user
selects one of the items it is entered into the field.

Using local data in this
way has the advantage of being fast, but in most cases the autocomplete is
going to be far more complicated and you are going to need to contact a remote
server. The autocomplete widget allows you to specify a URL that it will get a
JSON or JSONP response. In this case it doesn’t filter the result and so the
server needs to use the GET query parameter term to find out what the user is

In most cases you are
going to want to use the final option, which is to provide a function that gets
and processes the data. This function has two parameters – a request object
with a single term property which stores what the user has types so far, and a
response callback which has a single parameter which is the data to suggest to
the user as string or an array. 

So for example:


      get the data from the server

request.term as the expression to be




More on Melissa Express Entry:

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