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11 Powerful Emotions to Energize Your Fundraising Letters | Global Intelligence Blog

Written by Melissa Team | Jul 28, 2017 7:00:00 AM

11 Powerful Emotions to Energize Your Fundraising Letters

By Dean Rieck, direct mail copywriter
To some extent, all marketing is based on emotion. Whether you’re buying a car, a mutual fund, or a can of cheese spread, emotions play a part in the decision-making process.
However, nothing relies on emotion quite so much as fundraising letters. How people “feel” about your cause will determine how they respond to your appeals.
While we humans are capable of an infinite variety of emotions, there are a few basic ones that work well in fundraising appeal letters. Here are 11 of them:
1. Altruism — Whether people are truly altruistic or have self-serving motives for giving is often debated. The best approach is to assume altruistic motives and appeal to other motives subtly. Assume the best of people and you usually get it.
2. Anger — Some highly emotional issues can cause feelings of outrage. This is a powerful motivator, but a tricky one. If you decide to be angry in your letter, maintain your anger throughout. Don’t drop out of character and slip into fuzzy language on page 2. Your appeal should be along the lines of “This is outrageous and we have to stop it!”
3. Beliefs — Whether religious, political, or social, strongly held beliefs drive the actions of many people. Find out what your prospects and regular donors believe in and make sure your message aligns with those beliefs.
4. Compassion — You can generate sympathy by painting a word picture of someone who needs help. Share details about that person’s life and ordeals. But, be careful. If the problem is distasteful and you present it too graphically, you might make your reader turn away. There’s a fine line between sympathy and revulsion.
5. Ego-gratification — Gratifying one’s ego is not the same as being egotistic. It’s a sense of well being, a feeling that inner perceptions and outer realities are in sync. Since most people like to think highly of themselves, it’s best that you speak to them in an appropriately flattering tone. People want to live up to the perceptions of others.
6. Fear — Fear usually takes the form of self-preservation; donating to cancer research to save your own life in the years ahead, for example. This is a powerful motivator. It’s dangerous, though, because you can easily offend by suggesting self-serving motives.
7. Guilt — Discomfort and guilt are your emotional allies in any appeal. To spark your prospect’s desire to give, you must create a certain level of discomfort about the problem you are presenting. Plus, the thought of not helping should create guilt within your reader. You can also cause guilt by giving something, like address labels or cards. It’s hard to use these items without reciprocating with a few dollars.
8. Idealism — If you have a cause with a big idea, you can frame your message around the “I want to change the world” appeal. Of course, many causes can be positioned as world-changing. The trick is to keep it believable. Even the most idealistic donors are practical with their checkbooks.
9. Immortality — As children, we feel we’re going to live forever. As adults, we know we won’t, but we feel an overwhelming urge to try. Engraved plaques in a concert hall; published names in a newspaper; additions to hospitals; and other such tangible records of accomplishment, are all symbols that allow a certain kind of immortality.
10. Joy — It’s too easy to focus on the more negative and selfish motivations for giving. However; for many people, giving creates a powerful sense of joy — the joy of sharing, of belonging, of being needed. Find the “Joy Factor” in your cause, and test an appeal based on it. Many times, you’ll find it wins.
11. Recognition — Everyone needs a pat on the back now and then. A simple “thank you” is good enough for some. For others, a certificate or some form of public notice is more appropriate. Some people give solely to be congratulated. So, congratulate them.
Find the right emotion for your fundraising letters and you will find generous supporters for your cause. What emotion is at the heart of your organization? 
—Source: Dean Rieck has been called the best direct response strategist and copywriter in America. For more copywriting and selling ideas, sign up for Dean’s FREE direct response newsletter or visit Pro Copy Tips to get copywriting tips for smart copywriters. 
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