ID Verification

Verify National ID like SSN with Personator

Verify National ID like SSN with Personator

Blog Administrator | Address Verification, Analyzing Data, Data Cleansing, Data Enhancement, Data Enrichment, Email Verification, Global Address Verification, Global ID Verification, Global Phone Verification, Personator | , , , , , , , ,

by Michael Johnson, Sales

Personator has never yielded the crown of contact
verification, and that is no accident.
Personator is the quintessential contact verification service.  Nowhere else can you find a fast, no
maintenance, easy-to-use web service that will give you a level of certainty
your data is not only good, but that it is correct.  One of our newest features in our flagship
service to be released is Personators SSN Verify.

Personator SSN Verify adds an integral feature of
contact verification to Personator that had not existed before: the ability to
verify that an individuals’ SSN belongs to them.  Personator now has the ability to take in a
social security number and full name and tell you whether or not they match.  We chose not to stop there, but we give you
the power to dictate how much of your SSN and name to verify.  Do you want to know if your last name was
correct to the SSN? 

What about the correct full name to last 4 SSN?  Our newest option, SSNCascade, allows you to
determine whether or not we attempt to drill down and verify multiple segments
of your social security number and name combination.

Full Name and Social Security

Last Name and Social Security

Full Name Last 4 Social Security

Last Name Last 4 Social Security

We don’t just stop at verifying the social security
number and name; we crank up the volume to 11.
If the SSN and Name are verified as a match, we allow you to have the
option to append information regarding that person.  We are able to append the address, phone,
email, demographic data, and census data all regarding the matched individual.

Personator is our flagship product which leads the
industry of contact verification. You will be hard pressed to find another
single product with so much potential.
We continually add new features and sources to our arsenal, which not
only gives the end user more options but will give them more confidence that
their data is correct.

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