global address

Contact Zone and Pentaho Global Address On Premise: The World Inside Your Computer | Global Intelligence Blog

Contact Zone and Pentaho Global Address On Premise: The World Inside Your Computer

Blog Administrator | Address Check, Address Correction, Address Validation, Address Verification, Analyzing Data, Data Cleansing, Data Enrichment, Data Integration, Data Management | , , , ,

Previously, Melissa has offered our Global
Address web service in Contact Zone and Pentaho as a tool used to validate
addresses in 240+ countries and territories. Because this product was only
available as a web service in Contact Zone and Pentaho, there were certain
limitations that had come with this method of consuming this service. These
issues are now solved through the use of our on premise object.

Now, companies that could not have any data leave
their premises can utilize our Global Address on premise object to validate
their international addresses, as no data will be sent to our servers. In
addition, if throughput is a large issue with our Global Address web service,
then the on premise object can vastly improve record throughput, as the
limitations would now be determined by the performance of the machine that the
tool is being used on. Companies that also utilize our tool for a vast number
of records or tend to run address records through our service repeatedly can
now utilize our tool without being mindful of the record volume, as usage for
our on premise object is not based upon record volume.

 Processing through the web service is still available
in this new release. Licenses will be determined by an on country basis. In
other words, clients can purchase the countries that they think will be used
most often and defer to our web service for the remaining countries.

If you are interested in more information regarding
our new release in Contact Zone and Pentaho or would like a free trial, please
visit our website here:

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